Exposição Impressa (Print Show) was a project comprised of a workshop, a publication and an exhibit. Conceived by Alena Marmo Jahn and Zé Kielwagen and produced in 2016, with the goal of promoting printmaking among artists of the region of Joinville, Brazil. Funded by SIMDEC, a grant system by the City of Joinville.
We acquired a press and other tools and materials involved in printmaking. We installed this equipment in the premises of AAPLAJ - Association of Visual Artists of Joinville - to create a small print shop there.
Through an open call, we selected fourteen artists based in the region of Joinville to participate in a series of workshops with artist and educator Andréa Tavares. They are: Angelica Neumaier, Jan M.O., Carol Silva, Karina Wetzel, TiroTTi, Juliana G. Bender, Luiz Pinto Ferreira, Jöel Gehlen, Fernanda Puiatti, Ale Mello, Marcos Serafim, Roberto Estrella, N.Jeans and Fabio Salun.
The eight meetings, lasting eight hours each, were held on weekends between April and June 2015. During this period, the artists experimented with woodcut, metal engraving and etching, in a production and research process that culminated in the making of a handcrafted, limited edition publication.
We compiled the artist´s production during the workshops to set up an exhibition at one of the AAPLAJ galleries. The handcrafted books were also displayed.
by Jan M.O.
by Joel Gehlen
The project concluded with the printing of a catalog, available here in Portuguese.