Gede Vizyon
video, 14m20s, 2018
An experimental documentary created during the 5th Ghetto Biennale of Haiti. With Marcos Serafim (Brazil), Steevens Simeéon (Haiti), Jean-Daniel Lafontant (Haiti) and Evelyne Thelus aka Mambo Jacqueline (Haiti).
Audience Choice Award at Burnt - Video Art and Experimental Film Festival, 2021, Canada
Best Experimental at the Buenos Aires Film Festival 2020, Argentina
2nd Place Jury Award at Horn Festival for Experimental Film 2018, Israel
Honorary Mention at Northampton Film Festival 2018, USA
Gede Vizyon takes the viewer on an unusual tour of the Grand Cemetery of Port-au-Prince. Something runs loose through the labyrinthine structure of the cemetery, capturing images and sounds on its way. In response to this documentation, Hougan (Vodou priest) Jean-Daniel Lafontant created poetry that becomes narration, as Mambo (Vodou priestess) Jacqueline sang religious hymns that become soundtrack.
“Gede Vizyon is an original and concise short film that deals with arbitrariness and spontaneity. It surprisingly weds its mythical quality with GoPro shooting to create funny and memorable moments.” – Jury Horn Festival for Experimental Film
Vic Brooks, Short Shadows: Thought Figures, curatorial text for EMPAC Film Series: Short Shadows
EMPAC- Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center at Rensselaer, July 2019
Neil Young, Touring Port-au-Prince’s graveyard (guided by a goat)
Modern Times Review – The International Documentary Magazine, January 15, 2019
Marcos Serafim and Mashya Boon, Fractured Landscapes, curatorial text for Broad Underground Film Series program
Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, Film Studies Program, Department of English, Michigan State University, April 6, 2019
exhibitions / screenings
Kortfilmfestivalen - 46th Norwegian Short Film Festival. Curated screening, “Gede Vizyon”. Grimstad, Norway.
Expanded Nature, National Museum of Natural History in Paris - Jardin des plantes. Curated screening, “Gede Vizyon”. Paris, France.
3rd Burnt - Video Art and Experimental Film Festival. Official selection. Montreal, Canada.
13th Strangloscope – Experimental Audio, Video/Film and Performance Festival. Curated screening. Florianópolis, Brazil.
Wild Out Video Festival. Official selection. Taipei, Taiwan.
6th Ghetto Biennale. Juried, group exhibition. E. Pluribus Unum Musée d’Art, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Bienal Internacional de Curitiba, Pólo SC, curated group exhibition, O Sítio Arte e Tecnologia, Florianópolis, Brazil.
PÒTOPRENS: The Urban Artists of Port-au-Prince. Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami (MOCA), FL.
EMPAC Film Series: Short Shadows, curated film/video screening. EMPAC (Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center), Troy, NY.
Gede: A Celebration of Life and Death in Vodou, screening and roundtable, Pioneer Works Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.
Metakino #3: Environment, curated video program. Teatteri Union, Helsinki, Finland.
19th aluCine, Latin Film and Media Arts Festival, official selection, Toronto, Canada.
Emerging, curated group exhibition, ARC Gallery, Chicago.
Santiago Independent Film Awards, official selection. Online festival. Santiago, Chile.
Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, official selection. Heart of Hawick, Scotland.
Broad Underground Film Series: Fractured Landscapes, curated screening. Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at MSU and The Robin Theater, Lansing, Michigan.
Lift-Off Sessions, official selection. Online festival. Lift-Off Global Network, England.
Mostra Filme Livre, juried group exhibition. Rio de Janeiro, Niterói, Brasília and São Paulo, Brazil.
Revolutions Per Minute Festival, official selection. UMass Boston, Boston, USA.
CineKasimanwa: The Western Visayas Film Festival. 6th Edition, official selection. The Iloilo Museum of Contemporary Art and Et Nos Gallery, Iloilo City, Philippines.
Nuit Blanche de Port-au-Prince / Pòtoprens Jouk li Jou. Official selection. Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
10a Semana de Cinema, official selection. Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi, Brazil.
Gede: A Celebration of Life and Death in Vodou. Pioneer Works Gallery, NYC.
November Film Festival, official selection. Close-Up Film Centre, London, UK.
Alternative Film/Video 2018, official selection. Academic Film Center, Belgrade, Serbia.
Northampton Film Festival, official selection. Northampton MA, USA.
Saunter Trek Escort Parade, juried group exhibition. Flux Factory Gallery, Long Island City and Queens Museum, NYC.
Media City Film Festival, official selection, Windsor, Canada; and Detroit.
IV Cinecaos, official selection, Museu da Imagem e do Som (MISC), Cuiabá, Brazil.
The Unseen Festival, official selection. OFF Cinema and Counterpath, Denver, Colorado.
Horn Festival for Experimental Film, official selection. Musrara Art School, Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, Israel.
DOBRA International Festival for Experimental Film, official selection. Museum of Modern Art Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Passive Activists II - the Healthy Intercuts, official selection. Holaa! at Moose Art Space, The Hague, Netherlands.